
You do not know what OpenPGP is? Then read this!

Download my public key as a zip file and import it into your encryption programme.



 Click at the picture!




What is OpenPGP?

Unfortunately, it is currently the case that our emails are not encrypted by default. So it is highly likely that government agencies (NSA and co) and hackers can read our emails. This is not a desirable state of affairs. The remedy is to encrypt the contents of the email with OpenPGP (PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy"). A public key, which is used to encrypt the message, and a private (secret) key, which is used to decrypt the message, are generated. The public key can - as the name suggests - be made accessible to everyone, because how else are others supposed to be able to write to you in encrypted form? The private key, on the other hand, must be kept safe so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. I use the freeware tool GPG4win on Windows 10 to encrypt emails, but there is a whole range of possibilities. It is not too difficult to set up.

For more information, visit the OpenPGP website.